Nutrition & Gastronomy


100% Iberian ham (acorn-fed)


Check the calories in Iberian cured ham, "bellota" high class, as well as its nutritional composition. This unique example of Spanish gastronomy is an excellent source of proteins and fatty acids, mostly of them monounsaturated. It is a food as delicious as healthy and balanced from a nutritional perspective, highly recommended.

Energetic content (each 100gr)

335 kcal

1394.3 kJ

Fat: 59.7%

Proteins: 39.7%

Nutricia / Bread & Cereals


Check the calories in bakery products, as well as their nutritional composition. The bakery is characterized by a high content of carbohydrates procedent from its fundamental ingredient, cereal flour. Although it can also contain different amounts of added sugars and fats. The bakery products are in any case a great caloric source



Check the calories in barley as well as its nutritional composition. This cereal is an excellent source of carbohydrates and dietary fiber, also providing protein and some fat. Barley contains potassium, phosphorus and vitamin B3, among other vitamins and minerals


Boiled brown rice

Know the calories in boiled brown rice, as well as its nutritional properties. Brown rice is a great source of carbohydrates in the form of starches, but also gives us proteins and fats. Brown rice contains a wide variety of vitamins and minerals, especially phosphorus and vitamin B3, and provides more dietary fiber than white rice.

Boiled brown rice

Boiled rice

Check the calories in boiled rice, as well as its nutritional properties. Rice is a great source of carbohydrates in the form of starches, but also gives us a small amount of protein and some fat. Boiled rice contains a wide variety of vitamins and minerals, especially phosphorus and vitamin B3.

Boiled rice

Brown rice

Know the calories in brown rice, as well as its nutritional properties. Brown rice is a great source of carbohydrates in the form of starches, but also gives us proteins and fats. Brown rice contains a wide variety of vitamins and minerals, especially phosphorus and vitamin B3, and provides more dietary fiber than white rice.

Brown rice

Royal jelly

Nutricia / Sugar & Chocolate

Check claories in royal jelly as well as its nutritional composition. This bees product is an excellent source of carbohydrates, a natural restorative food commonly used as a dietary supplement


Nutricia / Sauces & Spices

Check the calories in basil, as well as its nutritional composition. In addition to the nutritional and energy values of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, we also show you the different micronutrients present in the basil.

Garlic powder

Nutricia / Sauces & Spices

Calculate the calories of garlic powder as well as its nutritional composition. Garlic is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. Its energetic contribution is in the form of carbohydrates, although it also contains enough proteins of vegetal origin.

Health & Nutrition

Una correcta alimentación es fundamental para mantener una buena salud. Seguir una dieta variada y equilibrada mejorará nuestra calidad de vida, algo que nos permite la nutrición. Conocer las propiedades de macronutrientes, vitaminas y minerales, saber cómo interaccionan en nuestro organismo, es la clave.

Health & Nutrition


Conocer los alimentos que vamos a consumir es imprescindible para conseguir un dieta sana y equilibrada. Con las guías útiles de compra aprende a reconocer los alimentos de calidad más allá de su precio. La importancia de los ingredientes en la cocina es evidente, sus características definirán el resultado final de nuestros platos.


Recetas de Cocina

¿Que sería de una publicación sobre nutrición y gastronomía sin su recetario? Como diría el escritor Manuel Vázquez Montalbán, la cocina es una metáfora de la cultura. Preparar los alimentos que nos vamos a comer, cocerlos, marinarlos, puede que sea lo que más nos diferencie del resto de los animales. Miles de años de cultura culinaria nos preceden, ofreciéndonos los platos más sabrosos.

Recetas de Cocina


Nutrition facts and calories in a wide range of foods, ingredients and dishes



Nutricia / Sugar & Chocolate

Check calories in fructose as well as its nutritional composition. Fructose is a form of sugar present in fruits, vegetables and honey, with a molecular structure different from glucose but with the same formula. Our body absorbs this isomer more slowly and its sweetening power is higher than other monosaccharides.